About Us & William (The Painted Unicorn)

Yes, William is a real. He is a Choctaw Spanish Mustang. This is a rare breed and papered. They are not BLM's. This unique mustangs are actually genetically tested to go back to the Spanish Colonial period of U.S. history.  

William had a fairy tale start to life then ended up with the wrong people. His original mama Jennie and his current Mama Gabriela managed to rescue him at a year old. 

It was intended to find him the perfect person but life showed us all he already had his perfect person, Gabriela. William has grown up with Gabriela. What Gabriela found was William is very special. He's packaged in a medicine hat paint body which is pretty special BUT even more special - he's a Unicorn in disguise. The most wonderful things happen when this healer and this Unicorn are teamed up. 

William came up with this effort. Yes, he is that smart and sentient. His sassiness, wisdom and his love of being in the spot light to help others smile and be happy got Jennie and Gabriela to create his true image. 

We will have a new offering every holiday!  Once the holiday is over the original art goes away for good!  These are collector's items. Eventually, the original art will be auctioned but that is some ways down the line. 

The proceeds will help financially care for the two people who saved him as well as fund his book that is already being written about his very special life and messages for people young and old. YES - he is a Christmas miracle rescue too! 




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If you have not had an update on the status of your order in three days, PLEASE email me directly immediately to resolve the issue.

As these are limited editions and styles, selections change rather quickly.  A reprint as a resolution cannot be offered once a style and design is deleted. Refunds are not possible after two weeks.

If an item is defective, please send an email immediately. Please send detailed photos if there is a defect and an email and we will get a reprint done for you ASAP!

Returns are not accepted due to this being a print on demand. 

Thank you! So far everything has been great but this had to be added due to a recent issue.